On Wed, Jan 15, 2003 at 12:18:26AM -0000, Adrian Brown wrote:

> Lets run a little poll. Can people fill in the following and reply

> 1) Do you have an actual Sam Coupe:
> 2) Does it work?
Yes, although I am worried about the disk drive.
> 3) Do you still use it?
A little; I really need more disks.
> 4) How many bits of sam software have you got?
Quite a few games, much of FRED, lots of random stuff.
> 5) Do you still actively seek new sam bits and pieces?
I'm afraid not.
> 6) Would you buy a new game for the sam coupe if the price was right?
> 7) What price would be right if you would?
I'd happily pay 5-10 pounds. For something special, I'd pay more.
> 8) Would you develop a title for the sam still?
I think I have some learning to do first, but yes.
> 9) Would you help develop a title for the sam?
In any way that I could, yes.
> 10) Do you think that all the work put in to keep the sam alive is a
> waste of time?
If people are learning and enjoying what they're doing, then no.
Stuart Brady

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