tatus: O
X-UID: 63

On Wed, 12 Mar 2003 12:09:13 -0000 "Geoff Winkless" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> at 12 March 2003 12:05, Frode Tenneboe wrote:
> > On Wed, 12 Mar 2003 12:00:33 -0000 "Geoff Winkless"
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> >> Curling as in indoor bowls on ice?
> > 
> > Well....not bowls (as it curls instead of bowls - hence the name),
> > but close enough. On ice and indoor. Score: 67%.
> *chuckles* I meant (indoor bowls) (on ice), rather than (bowls) (indoor
> on ice). Crown Green Bowling is a different beastie altogether.

What sivil^H^H^H^H^Hother europeans call boccia, boule or petanque. :)

Well, it's (indoor on ice) (curls) || (indoor curls) (on ice) || 
(indoor) (curls on ice) || (indoor on ice) !(bowls) :-)

> I didn't think people did that for fun: I just thought it was something
> the Brits did because it was the only chance we had of a medal at the
> winter olympics...

Hmmm...don't want to step on any toes, but I believe it was the Scottish
womens team which won gold for the UK. Curling originated in Scotland
and they are quite good (Hey Allan!)

> Talking of olympics and in order to return mildly to topic, did anyone
> ever try Daley Thompson on the Sam? How did the keyboard hold up? :)

No. :-)


^ Frode Tennebø           | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]      ^
| Ericsson AS.            | Isebakkeveien 49               |
| N-1788 Halden           | Phone: +47 67 25 09 39         |
| with Standard.Di

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