Frode Tenneboe wrote:
> I'll see if I can get round to start testing Contiki on Z88Dk 
> this evening and see how far it will go before I run into problems.

I had a quick look at it too, and ran into a few issues on the first file.
The z88dk compiler seems to be missing support for pointers in typedefs,
function pointers, and forward declarations (of structures, in this case).
Macros should cover the first one, perhaps just using an address for the
second (hopefully it won't require manual pushing of parameters), and some
duplication for the forward declarations.  Food was ready then so I didn't
get any further ;-)

The original code will need more tweaking than I'd hoped, but nothing too
tough has cropped up yet.  I'm certainly very impressed with z88dk in
general - well worth a try if you've ever had an interest in SAM C.


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