----- Original Message -----
From: "Tarquin Mills" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <sam-users@nvg.ntnu.no>
Sent: Monday, October 27, 2003 5:21 PM
Subject: Re: ORSAM Show...

>   People seem to backing out at the last minute, what they do not
> seem to appreciate is that I spent a 3 figure some on this show,
> not 75p and a pack of rolos. I am not cancelling the show at this
> late stage. Over the last few day I have only just realised that
> this is the SAM Coupe and ZX Spectrums last chance in the UK, if this
> show fails there will be no more shows and these computers will be dead.
> Sinclair QL magazines, QL Today and Quanta, only have 300 readers world
> wide, yet they can manage to have 5+ successful shows in the UK each
> year. While AlchNews has 600+ readers plus there is PD Power and
> ZX Digest etc, and the internet based speccy users and the whole SAM
> community in addition. So why when 10000 speccy games are rented at
> 50p for 3 days each week in the UK, can we not hold a show? The silence
> from Alchemist Research is deafening.

Alchnews has been quiet for ages - since Andy Davis moved over towards
Bolton actually :(

When was the last time an issue came out?

>   Shows allow people to meet and conceive new projects (free and
> commercial). It show cases new technology (we have moved on from 1993)
> and allows reunions of old friends. When people are coming from the
> continent, why are people from the shows back yard getting cool feet?

I'm going to try and make it - but it's going to be a bugger to get to :(

> I can give free over night accommodation, and after the show there is
> a big beer festival by CAMRA, which can be visited. The website has had
> over 1200 hits in it's short existence with the number rising fast.
> Manchester has a direct train to Norwich and back which my family has
> used. I know some journeys take effort but you cannot get a Porsche for
> the price of Ford. A lodger of mine travelled to Wales and back every
> two weeks. People seem to be playing some kind of chicken thing, I will
> go if you do. People are talking about next year, but there will not be
> a next year at this rate.
>   There is still a regular ZX81 show in Germany, congratulations ZX-TEAM,
> are we really saying that we are deader than a computer that has no sound,
> no colour, virtually no graphics and has the poorest keyboard out? Did I
> mention the wobbly RAM pack?

That was the Spectrum as well :)

> I created this show because I believe in retro computers, and have just
> collected a commercially made sign for the show. Hope to see you there,
> hope my straight talking has not offended anyone, it is not just a
> response to the above email but also Sintech not coming.

Sintech changing mind?

That's last minute!

> --
>                        Tarquin Mills
> Norwich Spectrum and SAM Show (ORSAM 2003)
> http://homepage.ntlworld.com/speccyverse/orsam.htm

David L

(5th NSSS)

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