On Sun, 26 Oct 2003, Colin Macdonald wrote:

> Am looking into options for getting down to the show at the weekend, but
> given it'd be a 900-odd mile round trip for me, wanted to verify that it'll
> be a decent turn out - who all's going?

I regret not. I would have loved to go, and I was planning to, but
unfortunately something has occurred which forces me to be in another part
of the country on that weekend.

Hope the rest of you have a great time (and that enough of you go making
it successful enough to repeat soon!). Sorry I can't be a part of it this
time around.


 ---       Andrew Collier         ----
  ---- http://www.intensity.org.uk/ ---
r<2+ T<4* cSEL dMS hEn/CB<BL A4 S+*<++ C$++L/mP W- a-- Vh+seT+ (Cantab) 1.1.4

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