Quoting Colin Piggot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> > Anyone ever buy this? I kept intending to, because I thought the demo on
> Fred
> > looked fab. Anyone have a .dsk of it and a scan of instructions (if there
> any)
> > or is the author likely to mind?
> Nigel Kettlewell's not been seen around for a bit, and it would of course
> always be best to get the author's permission... i'll have a check and see

It would always be best but it's not practical and as time goes by the harder it
will be. My own opinion is that we (this group in general) know roughly what
shouldn't be distributed and anything else is okay to go on NVG with a
disclaimer that it will be removed immediately if the author does complain. I
think that's about as fair as we're going to get really - otherwise we start to
be pointlessly anal.


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