Johnna wrote:
> So I say - Publish and be damned! Let's get a website up and running
> and dump EVERYTHING we've got on there that is SAM related and then
> maintain it as a homage to what was, once, a great machine. Nobody
> else is going to do this. We are almost the last bastions of the SAM
> World, even the original manufacturers of the machine show no
> particular interest in it anymore. 
> Or of course, we could wait until the natural copyright expires in
> around 65 years and do it then. Most of us will be dead, and those
> who aren't will not care any more.
> But sitting around and talking about doing something, although almost
> a great tradition of the Sam scene, will only end up with us losing
> the last remainging interest that reamins in the machine.

But one of the great things about the Sam was (and is!) the respect and
sense of community which the users showed to each other. By insisting that
we check with the original authors we are maintaining that level of respect
which I for one have no wish to destroy.


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