Well I've bid my time on here long enough playing by the polite 'rules' of
not publishing other people's files. But I think that after all this time,
it's getting a bit stupid. 

I haven't got Days Of Sorcery, but if I had it, I would share it.
Technically it's software piracy, but in reality it is only things like this
that will keep our little machine alive.

Most of the author's of the original software probably never give the SAM a
second thought and I certainly think that a system whereby they are
published on a site somewhere and the authors are allowed to ask them to be
withdrawn if they wish is preferable to the current system where people who
want to find out what the sam is all about cannot.

That recent message from the Young McKenzie was the most incredible thing
I've read on here - does he really believe that holding the secondary rights
to software for a machine which even ten years ago was only a 'cult' thing
is the route to a quick fortune?! It's a joke that we are still protecting
the commercial rights of some of these authors - there is NO money to be
made from the scene with regard to OLD software. If people wanted to buy it,
they would have bought it ten years ago when it was published!

So I say - Publish and be damned! Let's get a website up and running and
dump EVERYTHING we've got on there that is SAM related and then maintain it
as a homage to what was, once, a great machine. Nobody else is going to do
this. We are almost the last bastions of the SAM World, even the original
manufacturers of the machine show no particular interest in it anymore.

Or of course, we could wait until the natural copyright expires in around 65
years and do it then. Most of us will be dead, and those who aren't will not
care any more.

But sitting around and talking about doing something, although almost a
great tradition of the Sam scene, will only end up with us losing the last
remainging interest that reamins in the machine.

-----Original Message-----

It would always be best but it's not practical and as time goes by the
harder it will be. My own opinion is that we (this group in general) know
roughly what shouldn't be distributed and anything else is okay to go on NVG
with a disclaimer that it will be removed immediately if the author does
complain. I think that's about as fair as we're going to get really -
otherwise we start to be pointlessly anal.


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