I may be able to offer another mirror site for file storage - again depends
on bandwidth etc, but ive got a little free to play with.  Also why bother
worrying about which of the addresses to get - Personally I vote for a sam
community url, but I currently have samcoupe.co.uk which I will forward onto
the community site - also to save all the problems ill also purchase and
forward on several other variations of the url - so if people go for a sam
community (again gets my vote) ill get worldofsam.co.uk .org etc and forward
web/mail to the community site.

Anyway - I think it’s a GREAT idea.


-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Geoff Winkless
Sent: 24 November 2004 10:56
To: sam-users@nvg.ntnu.no
Subject: RE: SAM Software Archive

Gavin Smith wrote:
> Quoting Geoff Winkless <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> What sort of bandwidth do people think it would use? I already have
>> a shared (with a few old uni mates) linux host (on which I have root
>> access) and would be happy to host it if we're expecting a gig or so
>> downloads a month - that much we can absorb into the spare bandwidth
>> we have, if it's more I'd have to discuss it with the others.
> I had a long think about hosting and our options and ways of doing it
> on the cheap but in the end I thought it would be nice to spend a
> fiver a month and get our own meaty bandwidth etc and not worry about
> taking advantage of other people's generosity or the site suddenly
> going down etc. 

WRT bandwidth: currently the whole machine is only using 5GB out of the
monthly 30GB we've paid up-front for, however I wouldn't want to take too
much of it month-on-month because that wouldn't be fair on my mates :). 

The point is that (barring links from geek sites like slashdot or
theregister) it's not going to be a volume site, however much we'd like to
think otherwise, so 5GB per month is way more than you'd need month-on-month
(once you get over the initial excitement). However you always pay for more
bandwidth up-front than you need because if you go over it tends to cost
more - this way we share the buffer with a few other sites (we have about 10
at the moment, and they're all fairly low-volume).

The other thing about the service we have is that excessive bandwidth
doesn't stop the site working - I'd just have to cough up for the extra
cash, and even then it's only £1 per GB. 

The only problem I have with services like catalyst2 (the site you
mentioned) is that you don't have full control: it's a hosted service, so
you have the restrictions of what you can do with it. I have full ssh root
access so if (eg) you want to run some bizarre forum software you don't have
to argue with a clueless support guy for an hour. Further, if one of my
sites goes down I know it's either down to me to fix it, it's a hardware
problem or it's the internet (and since it's in telehouse that would
generally mean the whole UK web is screwed :))

You also have the advantage that the people who administer the machine have
a combined unix and website admin experience of about 40 years, the other
two guys are both sysadmins at university (with tens of unix servers to run)
and I was admin for an ISP for a fair while.

Finally the people actually doing the hosting are clueful too: check out
http://www.bytemark.co.uk/hosting/virtualmachine/index.html (yes, it's a
virtual machine but that's caused us 0 problems so far). If you do decide to
go it alone you could do a hell of a lot worse than one of their £150/year
packages (some people might remember Matthew Bloch from the days of the
Acorn Arcade BBS)

All this is a Good Thing when it comes to hosting software of slightly
unknown legality: hosted services tend to be a bit more trigger-happy when
it comes to removing sites which have potential warez.

> I wouldn't think you're trying to take over, I would really hate it
> if people thought of this as my pet project because I honestly think
> it's 100% a sam-users thing. :)

OK, then I should have written the caveat to everyone :) - my point is I
don't want to be seen as imposing my thoughts on others.

Anyway, the offer's there, I shan't mention it again unless asked - I have
no axe to grind, it'd only mean work for me after all :)


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