Are you the same Matt Craven that wrote Damp by any chance?


Thursday, November 25, 2004, 1:23:27 PM, you wrote:

Gavin> There you go Matthew...just occurred to me, if we do call it,
Gavin> we'll be WOS as well as the Speccy one...:)

Gavin> Quoting "Matthew J. Craven" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

>> Hi Gavin,
>> I vote for Haven't been able to post for ages, as
>> Frode keeps sending me emails saying I am emailing from a non- 
>> subbed address. But upon request to say which address he has 
>> subbed, no information is given.
>> So if you can post my vote for me, I'd appreciate it.
>> Thanks,
>> --Matt.
>> ------- Forwarded message follows -------
>> Date sent:            Thu, 25 Nov 2004 12:54:27 +0000
>> From:                 Gavin Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To:         
>> Subject:              RE: SAM Software Archive
>> Send reply to:
>> Quoting Geoff Winkless <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> > Gavin Smith wrote:
>> > > By the way, I still plan to get the domain sorted tomorrow evening
>> > > so if anyone has an opinion on what domain they'd like us to use,
>> > > shout out today or tomorrow - it looks like is in the
>> > > lead at the moment. 
>> > 
>> > ?
>> > 
>> > I vehemently believe this to be the wrong approach. People _will_
>> > remember the wrong thing and type .com.
>> It's an easy domain to remember though, easier than 
>> or
>> something similar.
>> > Of course Colin could put a link to the other site from his, but
>> > that just tends to make people think he's trying to get free
>> > advertising by using the .com, even though it's actually the other
>> > way around, and will reflect badly on him.
>> Ach, I don't think so, I think you're worrying too much :) We'd both
>> simply be using the computer name as part of the domain name, 
>> seems
>> sensible. Colin uses the .com for his commercial stuff, we use the
>> .org for our non-profit making organisation stuff.
>> > Can we have some sort of proportional-representation
>> > vote-transferral system? :)
>> It's one man, one vote, seems fair to me :) I was just pointing that
>> it appears that is in the lead at the moment. And 
>> there's
>> no cheating going on, because it's all done on the list ;) I don't
>> think it matters hugely but I do think sounds nice but
>> whatever gets the most votes for tomorrow night will do fine.
>> Gavin
>> ------- End of forwarded message -------
>> ------- End of forwarded message -------

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