Dan Dooré wrote:
> None comepletly unreadable, many with errors which ment I 
> couldn't make a DSK of them at the time.

I only found the odd error too, and sometimes they'd be readable in a
different drive.  The only problems I've had recently is when I made the
mistake of using high-density disks with the hole covered - they seemed to
work at first, but go bad very quickly.

> Unless SamDisk2 can skip errors (I haven't got the URL to 
> hand) they will have to stay in the old box for evermore :-(

Just add a /e to ignore read errors:  SamDisk.exe a: MyImage.dsk /e

Or for SAMDOS-compatible disks, do a minimal copy of only the used areas, in
the hope the bad sector was not part of an allocated file: SamDisk.exe a:
MyImage.dsk /m

If the image you made did have one or more bad sectors, open the DSK in
Edwin's Diskimage Manager and it'll show you which files were affected
(marked as "broken" IIRC).  Btw, the SamDisk URL is:


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