--- Colin Piggot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Calvin Allett wrote:
> > sorry for more questions, but is the boot rom
> > something  like the ones Steve Nutting was doing
> back
> > in the day, i.e. to fix disk corruption, or is it
> > (hopefully) to possibly boot up with extra code
> for
> > newer stuff?
> I think the bootrom Steve was refering too is the
> Atom Bootrom - which was
> written by Edwin - which will boot from the Hard
> Drive or CF when the Sam is
> powered up.

Sweet, sounds cool... 

> Floppy disk corruption on reset is fixed by having
> an alternate 8MHz clock
> signal going to the WD1772 disk controllers.

I seem to remember this, is it a Mod that all you guys
have had done (possibly 10+ years ago), is it a Mod
you provide service for (as Im not alowed near
electronics, hehe) :)

I suppose it`s not as relevant nowadays what with all
the HD`s and CF cards... I remember people (or rather
magazines and web based `accounts` of SAM) always made
it a big deal, but at the time I ALWAYS used to eject
disks, it became habit very quickly... apart from
unexpected crashes of software/machine and the quick
hurry to eject, lol

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