david <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
You're probably right.

It was a waste of my time anyway.

Project abandoned.

I think this is a bit of a shame :(

I`m sincerely sure that this isn`t/wasn`t a waste of your time David...
I know for one that I`ve been looking forward to your site and have checked whenever I could get online...

I remeber talks/discussions on here with others (me included) asking
if others could contirbute and you giving a yes, and whatever you have so far would be appreciated by us other SAM users..

I`m sure with such a small SAM hardcore userbase that not only
is there room for a few of us to do archive sites, but further that
the idea of more than one or two is possatively exciting... I remember when I first had internet access back in` `99 trawling the web for SAM stuff, people, info etc etc and the thought of what `could be` makes me both surprised and joyfully tearful that the SAM is not only surviving but is in a relatively healthy position.


--- Andrew Collier wrote:

> On 10 Dec 2005, at 19:31, david wrote:
> > (Blah - sounds like a load of excuses doesnt it?
> > Happens to be true, but still sounds like it :()
> >
> > Anyway - I hope to get something sorted soon ...
> No offence, but the way you say that makes me even
> more convinced
> that I should start doing it myself...
> Andrew
> --
> --- Andrew Collier ----
> ---- http://www.intensity.org.uk/ ---

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