Just an update on the Mayhem Accelerator benchmarks (as just now i'm quickly
updating the article in Sam Revival 14 before it goes to print, so I thought
i'd also post it up to the sam-users list too!)

Final benchmark timings:

Fractal Explorer - generating a Mandlebrot

Normal Sam: 21.3 seconds
Mayhem @ 10MHz - 10.48 seconds (203%)
Mayhem @ 16Mhz - 7.16 seconds (297%)
Mayhem @ 20MHz - 6.06 seconds (351%)

BogoMips Benchmark - by Frode Tennebo

Normal Sam: 0.360 bogomips
Mayhem @ 16MHz - 1.206 bogomips (335%)
Mayhem @ 20MHz - 1.513 bogomips (420%)

The prototype design is now near enough nailed down, and i'll be moving onto
the second prototype stage (essentially a rebuild using the final PCB
design) before going into production in a few months time. Again as i've
said before - more coverage will be in the article in Sam Revival 14, and up
on the website soon.

The Mayhem Accelerator will offer 10MHz, 16MHz and 20MHz modes of operation.
Variable speed is a nice option I decided to keep in, as 10MHz is great for
older games ... Lemmings runs great at 10MHz, just slightly faster than the
original Amiga version i'd say, very playable! 20MHz is overkill for old
things ... Stratosphere at 20MHz.... yikes... tooooo faaaast! But some games
thrive on 20MHz  - i've become rather fond of the ZX Spectrum game Total
Eclipse at that speed! (and a few other of the 'Freescape' games)

I'll post up more details nearer the launch, and if anyone would like
information sent to them as soon as I make an announcement, email me
directly at [EMAIL PROTECTED] and i'll send out a newsletter at the time to

Quazar : Hardware, Software, Spares and Repairs for the Sam Coupe
April 1995-2005 - Celebrating 10 Years of developing for the Sam Coupe
Website: http://www.samcoupe.com/

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