I do all my SAM development on the PC, using a cross-assembler.  For SAM 
development I
chose the AS80 PC cross-assembler...  Works a treat!  It's free, and you can 
grab it here:


My editor of choice is StarBase's CodeWright 6.5 - which is great.  It's not 
free though, and
is a little tricky to find these days.

For my initial foray into developing for the SAM - back in 1990(ish) - I used 
the SCAssembler,
which can be found here:  http://www.worldofsam.org/node/536  Then, when Edwin 
his superb Comet assembler, I moved all my source over to that.

Today - I would stick with developing on the PC though - it's much faster, and 
coupled with
SimCoupé makes developing for the SAM a piece of cake!


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