To my mind, this would add significantly to the value of the Trinity, and if you were to develop such a thing (presumably it'd just be however long it takes to modify the OS ROM, then existing Trinitys could be reflashed?) then I would definitely go on the pre-order list. In fact, I guess you'd just be able to offer the OS ROM as an upgrade (?), so I guess I could order a Trinity right now and get myself in order with whatever tiny number of discs I didn't long ago image while the drive is still working.

While the Atom and that ROM would clearly solve my solid-state needs, it would be nice to throw some ethernet on in there while I'm spending the cash.

On 8 Jan 2009, at 21:02, Colin Piggot wrote:

Thomas wrote:
Also, any thoughts on how hard it would be to put together a similar
ROM for the Trinity?

Simon wrote:
Spare space in the ROM is fairly limited and Edwin spent a while shaving
extra bytes of his AL detection and booting code.  Still, with the
Trinity being a single device on known ports, it might require less space


Just sitting here thinking about about it, it could probably be done a lot simpler with the Trinity. For the Trinity, space in the ROM would only have
to be found to fit in a very small routine to see if the Trinity is
connected and then if it is load an extra chunk of code from the onboard
128K EEPROM into memory.

It would then execute what it fetched from the EEPROM to load the full DOS into memory. Although, why not then just go the whole way and store the DOS
in the 128K EEPROM to save having to fetch that from the SD card.

From what I remember back when I was changing ROM3 for the Mayhem - removing
the copyright message and coloured bars would possibly be all that's
required to get enough room for the tiny chunk of code to fetch stuff from

Quazar : Hardware, Software, Spares and Repairs for the SAM Coupe
1995-2009 - Celebrating 15 Years of developing for the SAM Coupe

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