Welcome Graeme! The Sam's as good 21 years later as it was Christmas 1990.  
We're generally cheerful too btw.

Your best bet to find the best goodies is to visit World of Sam and have a damn 
good root around! Simcoupe itself is bundled with what I would call the best 
stuff, but you'll need a few things to port the PC images back to real 
floppies, namely SAMdisk (by Si Owen) and a PC with an INTERNAL 3.5 floppy 
drive (external won't do).

Also have a good look round Andrew Collier's Intensity site because there's 
loads of great bits locked away.

As for other stuff to get, I'd advise the Atom HDD, Stratosphere, Defender, 
Momentum, Lemmings, Protracker, E-tracker, SAMpaint, GI-mon, Comet, Pyz80, some 
kind of SAMdac or EDDAc, SAM mouse, and every diskzine you can get your hands 
on!  There's just LOADS of great stuff available.

What did I miss?
Howard (aka Balor Price, Tobermory Womble or whatever else)

------Original Message------
From: Graeme Gregory
Sender: owner-sam-us...@nvg.ntnu.no
To: sam-users@nvg.ntnu.no
ReplyTo: sam-users@nvg.ntnu.no
Subject: Essential Sam Goodies
Sent: 12 Apr 2012 11:19

Ok, to change the topic from current discussion lately ;-)

I am a newbie to the Sam world, I bought a machine on ebay as a whim and
to reach one of my childhood dreams of owning one. As a kid I could not
afford one and by the time I had $$$ Sam had dissapeared and it was time
for Uni.

So I now have this lovely Sam Coupe with 1.5 working drives and 512K of
memory. What games/demos/widgets should I be getting for it. Would be
good to give this machine as much love as my collection of spectrums and
zx81 get!


Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone on O2

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