Would it help if I turned my filters off and started collecting mail myself?

Though I'll warn you, I'm not likely to fly from the USA to appear in court.

James R Curry

On Apr 12, 2012, at 4:31 AM, nev young <pasiphae1...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:

> Sometimes it feels like it's already gone on forever.
> I got the WAYN invite and also 4 invites to boxbe to different addresses that 
> he has for me.
> I am thoroughly sick to death of this guy and as a result I have contacted 
> solicitors to start proceedings for harassment against him.
> Now I have the tedious task of receiving and storing all of his crap to 
> produce as evidence in court.
> I really would rather not have to do this.
> Nev
> On 11/04/12 23:35, James R Curry wrote:
>> Interesting note: Balor followed me on Twitter. Roger followed me the
>> very next day. Could be a coincidence and he could just be moving down
>> the list, but the email address that I use for that service is not the
>> same one I use on this list..
>> I got the spam filter spam today like the rest of you. I don't know what
>> else he's sent as everything from his Gmail account is filtered to the
>> trash. The only reason that came through is that it uses the service
>> provider's From address.
>> --
>> James R Curry
>> On Apr 11, 2012, at 5:14 PM, "toberm...@cookingcircle.co.uk
>>> Yes messages today and still more coming in right now. Behold...
>>> Okay so my real genuine opinion is that he may be autistic. And as
>>> such I'm just going to block everything that comes along. I'm not even
>>> considering educating him or having an argument.
>>> Cheer up chaps it can't go on forever. I hope.

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