Am starting to poke about a little more with Coupe development as time
permits and I wondered what, if anything, currently exists by way of
publicly-available cross-development tools. I have my favourite text
editor and pasmo set up, which I use for occasional speccy stuff, and
have augmented this with pyz80 (coz it writes out DSK files, which has
been handy). Have also got SAMdisk and DiskManager for manipulating
disk images, which seem to be working nicely, but...

What I really could do with is a utility (preferably with a palette
editor) for drawing graphics (tiles, sprites) that runs on Windows and
spits out either DEFBs or binary files that I can INCBIN. Does such a
thing exist? Failing that, something that has a reasonable stab at
converting PNGs or GIFs into a form I can use in asm would be useful.

What do you guys use to do this sort of stuff? And also are there any
other useful cross-development tools that I should be looking at?


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