On 14 Jun 2012, at 11:40, Simon Owen wrote:
>> What I really could do with is a utility (preferably with a palette
>> editor) for drawing graphics (tiles, sprites) that runs on Windows and
>> spits out either DEFBs or binary files that I can INCBIN. Does such a
>> thing exist?
> I mainly use Paint Shop Pro 7 for most SAM image editing, with a .pal file 
> loaded containing the 128 SAM colours.  I just draw sprites on a big image, 
> keeping to a grid spacing, and making sure I stay within the 16-colour limit 
> (there's a colour counting option).
> My development is usually split between Windows and Mac, and this is one area 
> I've struggled to make equivalent.  The image editors I'm using (Pixelmator 
> and Acorn) don't support working directly with palettised images, and just 
> convert them to RGB for editing.  So I'm generally limited to making only 
> small changes, and hoping I stay within the colour limit.

I recently discovered "Pixen", which is designed for just that sort of thing. 
Mac OS only, though.

To get those images onto the Sam, I (like everybody else, apparently) wrote a 
script which reads image files and outputs in various formats. Mine's in Python.


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