It's great to see more new content!  I just wish I could get more than 2
steps up on the first screen.  I'm just recovering from a Super Hexagon
addiction, so I do like my games tough  ;)


On 14/11/2012 16:08, Andrew Gillen wrote:
> Hi, just to let you know I have finally finished writing Dave Infuriators. 
> Simple platform game against the clock. Instructions can be found in the 
> readme.txt in the archive.
> Played with just two keys : change direction and jump, so following the trend 
> these days of minimal controls. 
> Took longer to write than it should with life's distractions and other 
> projects. Also  didn't  end up quite how I envisioned  but here it is 
> nevertheless!
> Http://
> Requires 512K SAM.
> Cheers
> Andrew

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