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David Christensen wrote:
> I have samba configured so that users have their own netlogon.bat file
> (e.g. %U.bat) and each user has a .bat with their username in the
> netlogon share.
> So far I have been unable to get any of the shares that I have defined
> in the batch file to be mounted when a user logs in.  Here is a snapshot
> of both the netlogon section of my smb.conf file and the %U.bat file I
> am using:
> smb.conf:
> [global]
> .......
> preexec = /usr/local/bin/netlogon %U
> logon script = %U.bat
> logon home = \\%L\%U\.profiles
> logon path = \\%L\profiles$\%U
> logon drive = Z:
> ........
> [netlogon]
> path = /mnt/samba/netlogon
> admin users = root, Administrator, Admin
> valid users = %U
> read only = no
> browsable = no
> create mask = 0770
> force create mode = 0060
> create directory mask = 0770
> force directory mode = 0070
> security mask = 0777
> directory security mask = 0777
> %U.bat:
> @echo off
> REM # In this example it is assumed the smb.conf handles home drive mapping
> REM # All users get access to Common drive
> net use Y: \\\common
> REM # Lastly lets set the davidc's time to's time
> net time \\ /set /yes

Updated info

The user can run the batch file manually from the netlogon share, so the
issue seems to be with it running automatically, is there any logs that
would capture an attempt to execute this file?
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