Am Sam, 2003-01-18 um 23.56 schrieb Jim:
> So anyway I have some theories I would like verified.
> I've found that I can add a posix based machine name and that works fine 
> BUT it only works in ou=People.  The system cannot find a machine 
> account in ou=Computers.

Is ou=Computers below ou=People? If not, neither Samba nor pam will
notice it.

> Theoretically, it did not find one because there is no objectClass 
> sambaAccount in the entry HOWEVER, I know from previous attempts it does 
> find the posix only Computer account when it is placed in ou=People.  Is 
> there perhaps a different search performed the fist time around despite 
> the log entry or is my understanding of 
> "(&(uid=spartack_)(objectclass=sambaAccount))" flawed?

Samba itself doesn't lookup posix things in LDAP. That is the job of
nsswitch/pam. You have to configure in your libnss-ldap.conf a
searchbase that includes ou=People and ou=Computers as well.

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