Hallo, Linda,

Du (samba) meintest am 31.07.08:

>> Could you please show the complete "smb.conf" (especially the
>> "[global]" section)?

> Load smb config files from /etc/samba/smb.conf


> Loaded services file OK.
> Server role: ROLE_DOMAIN_PDC


> [global]
>          display charset = UTF8
>          workgroup = BLISS
>          netbios aliases = web-proxy, clock, wpad
>          server string = Ishtar

What kind of "security"?
"testparm" only tells "security = xyz" if you don't use the default;  
perhaps you take a look into "smb.conf".

Is "winbindd" running?
Is there some other "PDC" in the net, or is ishtar the one and only?

If only ishtar is the logon server, I'd stop "winbindd".

>          wins support = Yes
>          hosts allow =, 127.1

                hosts allow =,

> [homes]
>          comment = Home Dir (Generic Homes)
>          path = /home/%U

> [%U]
>          comment = Home Directory (%U)
>          path = /home/%U


>> What tells (on the server)
>>         smbclient -N -L localhost

> ishtar:/Share/suse103/samba-updates> smbclient -N -L localhost
> Anonymous login successful
> Domain=[BLISS] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba
> 3.2.0-24.1.123-1844-SUSE-SL10.3]

>          Sharename       Type      Comment
>          ---------       ----      -------
>          netlogon        Disk
>          homes           Disk      Home Dir (Generic Homes)
>          guest           Disk      Home Directory (guest)
>          suse93          Disk
>          Share           Disk      Share
>          backups         Disk      Host backup-dirs
>          Usr_Doc         Disk      /usr/share/doc
>          Music           Disk      Music
>          Pictures        Disk      Pictures
>          IPC$            IPC       IPC Service (Ishtar)
> Anonymous login successful
> Domain=[BLISS] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba
> 3.2.0-24.1.123-1844-SUSE-SL10.3]

>          Server               Comment
>          ---------            -------
>          WPAD                 Ishtar
>          CLOCK                Ishtar
>          WEB-PROXY            Ishtar
>          ISHTAR               Ishtar

>          Workgroup            Master
>          ---------            -------
>          BLISS

Ok - looks good.

But my machines tell their own name under the "Master" line.
In Your case there should appear "ISHTAR".

>> What tells (on the clients)
>>         net view
>>         net view \\<Server-IP>
> ----
law>> net view
> Server Name            Remark

> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> \\CLOCK                Ishtar
> \\ISHTAR               Ishtar
> \\WEB-PROXY            Ishtar
> \\WPAD                 Ishtar
> The command completed successfully.


law>> net view \\ISHTAR
> System error 123 has occurred.
> The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
law>> net view \\BLISS
> System error 123 has occurred.
> The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
law>> net view \\
> System error 123 has occurred.

And that ist a strange error. I don't know the reason, but "net view" should tell all shares. No error message.

Viele Gruesse!
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