
In my business travels, I spend quite a bit of time talking with Software 
Developers as well as IT Security folks.  One significant different that I've 
found is that the IT Security folks, by and large, tend to pay a lot of 
attention to software vulnerability and attack information while most of the 
Dev folks that I talk to are blissfully unaware of the likes of 
Full-Disclosure, Bugtraq, PHRACK, etc.  I haven't collected any real stats, 
but it seems to me to be at least a 90/10% and 10/90% difference.  (Yes, I 
know that this is a gross generalization and there are no doubt significant 
exceptions, but...)

I believe that this presents a significant hurdle to getting Dev folks to care 
about Software Security issues.  Books like Gary McGraw's Exploiting Software 
do a great job at explaining how software can be broken, which is a great 
first step, but it's only a first step.

Am I alone in this opinion or have others noticed the same sort of thing?  
It's going to be a long, slow battle, in my opinion.


KRvW Associates, LLC

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