> Making software secure should be a requirement of the development  
> process. I've had the priviledge to have worked on some very good  
> projects where the managers emphasised security in the beginning of  
> the projects life cycle since it was a requirement of the client.

Making software secure absolutely should be part of the development  
lifecycle, and as early as possible, too. My overall point was that if  
you talk to the people who really care about usability (as  
distinguished from just "features") you will hear very similar  
frustrations about their ability to get what they consider true  
usability requirements into the end product. So in terms of learning  
from other communities I think as opposed to beating our heads against  
the same wall it can be helpful to learn from another *-ility community  
to see what ways they have tried successfully/unsuccessfully to  
increase the quality in software from their viewpoint. My suggestion is  
that the problem is not just software security but run a little deeper  
to the main problem of software quality of which security is one of the  
factors (albeit an important one).

So what are the common threads amongst usability and security? For  
examples it is interesting to note that both communities seem to value  
early involvement in the development lifecycle and striving for  
simplicity in design. Software security does not need more barriers,  
but to the extent that we can find allies with similar goals and issues  
from other communities (could be *-ilitity, business, compliance, legal  
btw) and collaborate with them to communicate the value of quality,  
then our chances for shipping better software are increased.


"Societies have invested more than a trillion dollars in software and  
have grotesquely enriched minimally competent software producers whose  
marketing skills far exceed their programming skills. Despite this  
enormous long-run investment in software, economists were unable to  
detect overall gains in economic productivity from information  
technology until perhaps the mid-1990s or later; the economist Robert  
Solow once remarked that computers showed up everywhere except in  
productivity statistics.

Quality may sometimes be the happy by-product of competition. The lack  
of competition for the PC operating system and key applications has  
reduced the quality and the possibilities for the user interface. There  
is no need on our interface for a visible OS, visible applications, or  
for turning the OS and browsers and e-mail programs into marketing  
experiences. None of this stuff appeared on the original graphical user  
interface designed by Xerox PARC. That interface consisted almost  
entirely of documents--which are, after all, what users care about.  
Vigorous competition might well have led to distinctly better PC  
interfaces--without computer administrative debris, without operating  
system imperialism, without unwanted marketing experiences--compared to  
what we have now on Windows and Mac.

  Today nearly all PC software "competition" is merely between the old  
release and the new release of the same damn product. It is hard to  
imagine a more perversely sluggish incentive system for quality.  
Indeed, under such a system, the optimal economic strategy for market  
leaders may well be the production and distribution of buggy software,  
for the real money is in the updates and later releases.

One of Philip Greenspun's points in his introductory programming course  
at MIT is that the one-semester course can enable students to create  
the programming equivalent of the amazon, eBay, or photo.net websites.  
So why it is so hard to get it right the first time? Or at least by the  
Release 8.06th time? See Software Engineering for Internet Applications  
(MIT 6.171) at http://philip.greenspun.com/teaching/one-term-web

-- Edward Tufte, June 28, 2002 "

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