At 10:26 AM -0500 11/11/04, Kenneth R. van Wyk wrote:

>In my business travels, I spend quite a bit of time talking with Software 
>Developers as well as IT Security folks.  One significant different that I've 
>found is that the IT Security folks, by and large, tend to pay a lot of 
>attention to software vulnerability and attack information while most of the 
>Dev folks that I talk to are blissfully unaware of the likes of 
>Full-Disclosure, Bugtraq, PHRACK, etc.

>I believe that this presents a significant hurdle to getting Dev folks to care 
>about Software Security issues.

As a software developer, I care about such issues, but the compiliations
you list are largely not applicable to the operating system and programming
languages with which I work.
Larry Kilgallen

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