I love how Howard Schmidt's voice seems to have been lost in the fray,
since his comments came way back in March at RSA.

"There is no cyberwar," Schmidt told Wired.com in a sit-down interview
Wednesday at the RSA Security Conference in San Francisco.

"I think that is a terrible metaphor and I think that is a terrible
concept,” Schmidt said. “There are no winners in that environment."

Instead, Schmidt said the government needs to focus its cybersecurity
efforts to fight online crime and espionage.

We should all be used to this drum beat by now, though. This is at least
the 3rd consecutive year (maybe even more like 5th) where there has been
rhetoric about "cyberwar". In previous years it was Air Force generals
posturing for a "cyber command". Now it's Senators (and DHS?) who are
doing the posturing. Asinine? Yes, but isn't much of pure politicking?



On 6/17/10 12:27 PM, Gary McGraw wrote:
> hi sc-l,
> Debates on the radio.  Pundits on TV.  Cyber War seems to be
> generating lots of attention in the media.  I scribbled down my
> thoughts in this month's informIT column:
> http://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=1597476   Cyber War -
> Hype or Consequences?
> Other references of note include my video podcast with Richard A.
> Clarke of 9-11 and cyber czar fame (Silver Bullet 50): 
> http://www.cigital.com/silverbullet/show-050/
> And a review of Clarke's book on Justice League: 
> http://www.cigital.com/justiceleague/2010/05/06/is-cyber-war-inevitable/
>  I'm ff to the beach for some much needed vacation.
> gem
> company www.cigital.com podcast www.cigital.com/silverbullet blog
> www.cigital.com/justiceleague book www.swsec.com
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Benjamin Tomhave, MS, CISSP
Blog: http://www.secureconsulting.net/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/falconsview
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[ Random Quote: ]
Occam's Razor: "The explanation requiring the fewest assumptions is most
likely to be correct."
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