Hi Alan,

Thanks a lot for your long and detailed answer.
Here are some clarifications :

> Le 2 mai 2021 à 05:12, Alan Bennet via Scid-users 
> <scid-users@lists.sourceforge.net> a écrit :
>> On May 1, 2021, at 3:26 AM, Patrick Haueter <patale...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I've downloaded latest SCID (4.71) and I've installed TCL/TK 8.6.11 on MacOs 
>> 11.2 (BigSur) : All is quite OK, but I've met some mouse issues when 
>> navigating in PGN : 
> Hi Patrick,
> I am using MacBook Air 2020 (not M1), 11.3 Big Sur, tcl/tk 8.5.0, Scid 4.71. 
> I also use a logitech trackman mouse/trackball (2 buttons). Scid I operate in 
> docked mode only. Scid behaves differently in docked and undocked mode, in 
> fact this is a major source of troubles, so you may wish to try both ways. My 
> notation window is docked not underneath the board, but to the right.
I have the same windows settings : main board and and pgn window docked, pgn 
window on the right .
>> - When a game is loaded, in the move list window (PGN window) , left click 
>> mouse seems not working ? Right click  opens contextual menu AND  positions 
>> the right move in the main screen ( what the left click should do ).
> Of course your mouse must work correctly in other applications, correct? Just 
> checking. :)
Yes my mouse (Magic Mouse) is OK in all other apps. I also tried with an 
classical USB mouse (with a wheel)  , I got the same behavior. I also tried 
with an app to emulate an 3 third button on Magic Mouse, Pb are the same, but I 
can preview a miniature chessboard with middle clicking on a position.
> In Scid, both my trackpad and mouse operate differently than yours. 
> Right-clicking the PGN (notation) window is the same, it selects the move, 
> positions the board, and opens the context menu. Left-clicking the PGN is 
> different, for me it selects the move and positions the board. 
>> -If I move in the main window (chessboard) with the mouse (scrolling) or the 
>> keyboard (arrow keys) , or with the arrow keys, the focus of the PGN window 
>> is not updated.
> My mouse lacks a scroll wheel, if I scroll the board with the trackpad it 
> repositions the PGN window and updates the board. Also right-clicking on the 
> board goes back one move, both on the board and in the PGN.
> "... the focus of the PGN window is not updated." This part is not clear to 
> me. Are you expecting the PGN window to now receive focus when you do 
> something in the board window? The only way to change focus is by 
> left-clicking. The board and PGN should be synchronized, but the focus only 
> changes by clicking one or the other.

Hum, what I mean is :
After loaded a game, I Left click on the first move (e4 !) : nothing happens, 
only e4 become focused in blue, after that, I move forward with the right left  
arrows keys of the keyboard : pieces move correctly on the board, BUT nothing 
happen in the PGN window (instead of focused on actual move). To have the good 
focused in the PGN window I have to refresh that window: moving mouse over, for 
example. This behavior seems only affect docked PGN window, because if it is 
undocked focus seems to follow correctly arrows keys moves, but my left click 
pb still remains.

What I discovered recently is : If an engine is running - not just waiting but 
running - in a docked window ( on the right on the PGN window ) in that case, 
focus and left click are OK in the PGN window. It's like if some refresh were 
missing if nothing is happening  in the window.

>> Are there other users on Mac? Am I the only one to encounter these problems?
>> I'm available to do some tests eventually.
>> thank you for everything and good continuation
>> Best regards
>> Pat
> Again, I assume you know your mouse should be working normally. But I find 
> Scid is definitely quirky. Just now I loaded a different game from the Game 
> List, and the keyboard arrows stopped working in the PGN window. But I opened 
> the Help window (undocked!), positioned it to the side, and suddenly the PGN 
> window started responding to the keyboard. So we can say that Scid is not 
> perfect.
> Cheers.
> -- 
> Alan
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Do you also get this pb : 

I load a game and I change something in it ( new variants for example) , then I 
want to load a new game (without recording previous game), so I get a window to 
save or not the modified game, but I can't do anything none of the buttons are 
responding !!! , I just can close the windows by clicking in the red apple 
circle ! 

So, yes Scid is quirky, but I don't know why I like a lot this program.....

Best regards


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