Hello to all. I am new to Linux and have had a problem getting replies recently to a thread I posted. Let me say now that I am really not sure if this is where I should be asking for help, but I have no other ideas on what to do. I am not trying to cause trouble nor violate any rules. I'm simply a newbie that would love to have more help and direction to get Scientific Linux v 6.4 installed and working. The thread is posted on the Scientific Linux Forum under "New Linux users questions." My name for the user is benjie1 I first posted on April 8, and the title of the thread is "Can't login to gnome or kde in SL 64." After the first post on the 8th, I received replies very promptly until April 11. That was the last reply. I have posted several times asking for help on the same problem and giving more output and answering questions that were asked of me. Never did I double post, nor use foul language, nor violate any of the rules, as far as I know. At this point, I am hoping that someone can guide me as to what I should do so I can use SL 64. I have seen it on a friends PC and it looks great. The basic problem I have is that after a successful install, there is no GUI where I can log in, and no keyboard or mouse. All I can do is use Ctl+Alt+F2 and get a command line and login as root. The posts in the thread will show what I have done and then I can try again if I receive some guidance. I realize that all these gurus are volunteers and I respect that. What surprises me is why the sudden stoppage of all replies. What did I do? If this email has violated any rules or caused any problems I sincerely apologize. As I said, I have no way to know what to do in order to get SL 6.4 working. This is all I hope to accomplish eventually. Thanks very much to all those who may be able to help. I will do my best to follow suggestions that are made and hope to get this working. Thanks in advance for everything.

Bob Benjamin

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