On 06/27/2014 01:14 PM, Lamar Owen wrote:
On 06/27/2014 03:44 PM, Konstantin Olchanski wrote:
The 800lbs gorilla in the room is CERN (and other large physics labs), who require a linux (some linux) to run the large compute farms for analysis of LHC data. For historical reasons, this linux has been Red Hat based (and we know it under the names "SL" and "SLC"). Will it remain Red Hat based? ...
The CERN direction I would think is crystal-clear:
http://www.karan.org/blog/2014/06/10/centos-community-buildsystem-bootstraping-by-the-cern-linux-team/ http://linux.web.cern.ch/linux/docs/GDB%2020140212%20-%20Future%20of%20Scientific%20Linux%20in%20light%20of%20recent%20CentOS%20project%20changes..pdf

In a nutshell: it sure looks like SLC will remain Red Hat based. SLC developers have joined the CentOS Core SIG and are actively working on CentOS infrastructure. If you want to see more, follow the centos-devel list; come to your own conclusions by seeing the actions.
Just so that the SL list has a specific inclusion of this information (in the event the CentOS lists somehow become unavailable), below is the last item in the above set.

 CentOS-devel] Welcoming CERN Linux Distro team

*Karanbir Singh* kbsingh at centos.org <mailto:centos-devel%40centos.org?Subject=Re:%20%5BCentOS-devel%5D%20Welcoming%20CERN%20Linux%20Distro%20team&In-Reply-To=%3C53970C1B.9040305%40centos.org%3E>
/Tue Jun 10 13:46:03 UTC 2014/

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Hi Everyone,

We would like to welcome onboard the CERN Linux Distro team (
http://cern.ch/linux  ) to the CentOS Core SIG. Thomas Oulevey and
Jaroslaw 'Jarek' Polok are going to be bootstrapping the CentOS
Community Buildsystem around Koji and helping run it going forward. The
community buildsystem is going to be the central place for all source to
binary builds used by all efforts other than CentOS Core ( for now ).

The initial target is to get a test instance running in the coming
weeks, and then work on the git.centos.org integration, with the aim of
having the 'production' buildsys online soon. This is the build service
that all SIG's and Core SIG builds will consume going forward ( with the
exception of CentOS Linux, we have quite a bit of work to do before we
can migrate that ).

Communications on this effort will be on the centos-devel mailing list (
http://lists.centos.org/mailman/listinfo/centos-devel  ) and on the
#centos-devel irc channel on irc.freenode.net.  Hardware resources for
the effort have been identified, setup and access is being setup so
things can start rolling fairly quickly. Mike McLean and Fabian Arrotin
are going to be working with them.

You can keep up with Jarek on his google+ page at
https://plus.google.com/+JaroslawPolok/  and Thomas tweets at
https://twitter.com/thomasnomas  ; They both also contribute to the
http://linux.web.cern.ch/linux/  blog.

Please join me in welcoming Thomas and Jarek to the CentOS Project.

- KB

End quote.

Several questions:

1.  Is CERN linux the same as SL?

1.1 Are any of the Fermilab team doing the same as in the posting from Singh?

2.  Evidently, Singh and other "core" CentOS team members actually are Red Hat 
just as the core SL team have been Fermilab or CERN employees (presumably in 
some cases
actually paid by the research collaborations funded by various government 
agencies through
various universities -- e.g., in the USA, NSF or DOE with each PI typically 
holding a
tenure-stream faculty position at a university).  Will the core SL team or the 
core CERN linux
team likewise become Red Hat employees?

2,1  As Red Hat employees, one assumes their primary loyalty are to and 
directions come from
their corporate employer.  Is this consistent with a SL-type distribution in 
which the user
community (such as the CERN LHC collaborations) have ultimate needs, not those 
of a for-profit

3.  Will SL just be a SIG of CentOS?

Yasha Karant

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