Having an issue with the df command. I need it to show me a filesystem's physical mount point, but since I use NFS and automounts quite a bit it chooses to show me the automount mount point instead. It's screwing up the monitoring software I use, check_mk.

For instance:
/dev/VolGroup/home    /export/home        xfs    defaults    1 2

That gets mounted as shown, but as soon as I login, the automounter will mount it as /home and the check_mk check for that filesystem goes into an unknown state since it can't find it any longer.

I've been unable to find any way to get df to show only physical mount points and ignore automount mount points. I'm seeing this behavior on most all my SL7.2 systems, SL6.7 doesn't seem to have this issue.

Stephen Berg
Systems Administrator
NRL Code: 7320
Office: 228-688-5738

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