On 12/10/17 17:31, ToddAndMargo wrote:
> Dear List,
>    Anyone have a favorite flat bed scanner that is SL friendly?

I've only had MFPs the last 10 years or so, with printer and scanner
integrated.  These are my general experiences on a few brands

- Canon
  Horrendous Linux support, network scanning basically impossible.  USB
  scanning may work reasonably okay.

- Brother
  Functional Linux drivers (also on RHEL), cumbersome setup but once
  done even network scanning works reasonably well.

- HP
  One of the best driver packages I've used.  Newest hardware can be
  tricky and may require building hplip package manually.  But the web
  page is quite good at listing which driver version is required.
  Network scanning works very well, even AFP with duplex scanning.  And
  for USB scanning, this works also very well.

  Downside: requires a binary plug-in to be installed post driver
  install.  This is basically a required closed source/proprietary
  firmware to enable scanning.  This can be installed both via the hplip
  command line and GUI tools.

I'd recommend a HP MFP device any time.  If you can find an older model
on sale, you'll get big bang for the bucks with a big chance it will
work out of the box once the hplip packages are installed.

kind regards,

David Sommerseth

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