On 10/12/2017 04:42 PM, Paul Robert Marino wrote:
Interestingly my father threw me for a loop on this now a days a low grade digital camera actually has higher resolution than most scanners so he uses one in a photo copy stand and then just copies the one file to his computer via a bluetooth enabled SD card which is faster than any scanner on the market. Then he uses gimp or photos of depending on which computer he is using to crop it and convert the format if need. He told me this actually works faster and easier than any scanner he has ever used and gets higher resolution as well and requires no drivers. All you need is a photo copy stand which is a rig you attach your camera to the holds it level to a surface. Its a fascinating idea and I'm sure he is right about it, and it's probably the way I'm going to do it in the future.
That seems like it would introduce distortion, as the document edges would be farther from the camera lens than the document center. Kind of like most selfies make your nose look bigger.

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