
From the list you reference below, I find

Amazon Web Services

(AWS) is *NOT* a small (market share, startup, etc) for-profit entity. Is AWS looking at an alternative to licensing IBM RH EL that AWS can use without any license for fee? AWS has ample internal technical staff to maintain any software system AWS deploys, provided source is available.

To those who commented that some on this list want a "free" hardened enterprise open systems enterprise environment, to which I attempted to clarify that such a "want" is actually a "need" given fiscal realities and constraints, one should consider

Amazon’s cloud division reports 32% revenue growth
https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.cnbc.com_2021_04_29_aws-2Dearnings-2Dq1-2D2021.html&d=DwIDaQ&c=gRgGjJ3BkIsb5y6s49QqsA&r=gd8BzeSQcySVxr0gDWSEbN-P-pgDXkdyCtaMqdCgPPdW1cyL5RIpaIYrCn8C5x2A&m=sCjv3BCk7Xi1y6-sxXKtATHGui_HsRsHnBpREcCxVlc&s=maTk4pJFg9XvGQ3FfIC11hO-eHr2tkLqmXdD9LqDdfw&e= that indicates to me that it is a deliberate decision for AWS -- as there clearly are adequate fiscal resources to license an EL or even develop an AWS EL. This is not a comment that AWS should not be supporting Rocky or any other open systems development and deployment -- merely that even those who can "afford" licenses for fee also want something for "free" (in this case, the business model involves leveraging the "community" rather than internally paying for the work).

If AWS truly is behind Rocky and Rocky is an incorporated non-profit, it is unlikely that Rocky will follow the CentOS path and increasingly likely Rocky will succeed. This is not to state that AlmaLinux or other EL clones are not needed -- these are as well. Nor does it reduce the importance of the problem reports about field installs/deployments of AlmaLinux, described in other posts to this list.


On 5/5/21 3:35 PM, Dave Dykstra wrote:

As James Pulver mentioned, I have seen a much larger slice of the
community get behind Rocky than Alma.  They took longer to get their
first release candidate out (which is available now, although I don't
think I have seen that mentioned on this list) because they're putting a
lot of effort into making an infrastructure that can include a lot of
people.  I don't see how the small CloudLinux company can maintain the
investment they promise long term.  They want to have the community take
it over, but so far at least the only publicly announced company
sponsors or partners I have seen is CloudLinux.  On the other hand Rocky
has 10 companies announced:

On Tue, May 04, 2021 at 02:39:30PM -0400, Jack Aboutboul wrote:

Thanks for your response. My message was going to everyone on the list, not 
necessarily just the decision makers. To me/us it's important to involve the 
whole community not just any specific decision makers.

Thanks for your feedback. If you don't mind, can you just give me more 
insight/feedback as to why you think that Rocky is better positioned? I'm 
curious to hear your opinion.


On May 4, 2021, at 11:30, Dave Dykstra <d...@fnal.gov> wrote:

Hi Jack,

I am not involved in the decision-making regarding Linux here at
Fermilab, so I'm just a community member as well.   I think it's good
to have options but in my opinion the Rocky Linux effort is better
positioned for long term support by the community than AlmaLinux is.


On Mon, May 03, 2021 at 05:54:35PM -0400, Jack Aboutboul wrote:
Hi Bonnie, Dave, et. al.

I am a long time Fedora person and now the community manager of AlmaLinux.

We certainly understand the quandary you are now in and we deeply value the 
work that you and the scientific (both capital S and lower-case) community do. 
It is of utmost importance to humanity. Likewise, we can only begin to image 
the loop that the CentOS EOL announcement must have caused you.

We are ready, willing and able to help. We released our x86_64 STABLE a drop 
over a month ago and are working on other architectures now. We are also in the 
process of opening up our-next generation build system, amongst other things.

I extend a hand to the Scientific community-at-large to work together with you 
all to build whatever it is that you need. We are even open to offering a board 
seat (yes despite what FUD people try and spread, we are community-governed) to 
someone from fermilab/cern (or some other representative) to ensure that the 
relevant voices are heard and acted upon.

I'm reaching out to you out of my own volition, because I respect you and the 
work you do and its vital impact in the humanity both present and future.

Seriously, anything we can do for you guys, any way we can help in order to 
promote and foster scientific research, we stand at the fore ready to get it 

I am sure there may be questions and I would be glad to answer anything anyone 
would like to know more about.


On May 3, 2021, at 07:25, Bonnie King <bonn...@fnal.gov> wrote:

Hi Konstantin,

There hasn't been any official statement. On the Fermilab side we are holding 
discussions and gathering feedback from experiments and other collaborators.

We are working on it and will make an announcement soon.

Bonnie King

From: owner-scientific-linux-us...@listserv.fnal.gov 
<owner-scientific-linux-us...@listserv.fnal.gov> on behalf of Konstantin Olchanski 
Sent: Saturday, May 1, 2021 9:27 AM
To: Dave Dykstra
Cc: scientific-linux-users
Subject: Re: any update on CERN Linux and CentOS-8 situation?

On Fri, Apr 30, 2021 at 09:35:02PM +0000, Dave Dykstra wrote:
Both Fermilab and CERN have stated that they plan to use CentOS 8 stream
for now (or Scientific Linux 7 or CentOS 7) and will evaluate later
whether or not to switch to one of the clones.

Interesting. I do not see any information about this and I believe
I receive both internal and external official communications from CERN.

Do you know who and when made this "centos stream" statement?



On Fri, Apr 30, 2021 at 10:35:18AM -0700, Konstantin Olchanski wrote:
Any news or updates on the status of CERN Linux?

Per https://linux.web.cern.ch/centos8/ CERN users are strongly encouraged
to use CentOS-8 while the same page states that support for CentOS-8 will
end at the end of this year. Update is promised "during Q1 2021", today
we are 1/3 into Q2 2021, and there is no new information.

The CentOS forums are graveyard quiet. (censored?)

Any information from the FermiLab side of things? Any information from the SL 
of things? Any rumours?

I opened a support ticket with CERN about this, let's see what they say.


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