On 05/05/2021 23:13, Konstantin Olchanski wrote:
> Things seem to be much quieter and event-less in the BSD and Debian (& co) 
> camps.

I greatly fear that the BSDs are gradually losing the battle to keep up
with Linux in terms of newer features and support for certain classes of
hardware. It saddens me to note that both iXsystems (TrueNAS, previously
FreeNAS) and Netgate (pfSense) are looking towards Linux, not BSD, for
their next generation of larger-scaling, higher-throughput systems. In
the case of iXsystems, the new TrueNAS Scale is Linux based. And in the
case of Netgate, their new TNSR product is based on Linux. Eventually it
seems likely that both companies might well want to rationalise on one
underlying OS.

And FreeBSD itself has recently experienced the Netgate-related
Wireguard incident.

As for Debian, they certainly had what one might call an 'event' with
the decision to choose SystemD. ;-)

(Sorry, I realise that this is going off topic).

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