To support products for 22 years is difficult.
Using VMware is a good solution that we have been using for a long time.
I even use Win2000 pro for some applications and Dos all under VMWare.
The connection to the Linux file system is "samba".  

Everyone misses the point.  The problem is setting up a system the way
we want it and the ability to do that after RH 7 is broken! and has some
land mines.  A function that can wipe out a file system is flawed and
cannot be trusted. 

Fortunately VMware works - we just bought a new VMWare version.  Update
is painless.

Larry Linder

On Tue, 2021-06-29 at 09:48 -0700, Konstantin Olchanski wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 29, 2021 at 06:43:12AM +0000, Nick Matchett wrote:
> > I hope that someone could help me identify an individual or business that 
> > would be able to help me with the following problem.
> > My business has some software that we acquired the responsibility to 
> > maintain and support, and currently sits on Scientific Linux version 6.3.  
> > Unfortunately, we are at a stage where our customers are asking to bring 
> > the software onto a more current version of a Linux platform.
> > We would like to migrate to Red Hat or CentOS version 7.9  (or perhaps 
> > version 8)
> Oh, boy! We are on the receiving end of such problem with Altera. Their 
> latest fpga compiler
> does not support cyclone-1 FPGA, the last version that does still by a miracle
> runs on ubuntu and centos7, and of course Altera will never update it. As if 
> nobody needs
> to compile cyclone-1 fpga code.
> If, like in this case, your application still does something useful and your 
> customers still
> want to run it, perhaps simplest is not to monkey around with it, just 
> package it
> as a VM container that runs on current-ish linuxes.
> > I hope that someone could help me identify an individual or business
> I wish you best luck with hiring the right staff, contractor or consultant to 
> resolve your trouble.
> K.O.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > We have been working on a migration from Scientific Linux 6.3 to Redhat 7.9.
> > 
> > Unfortunately, we have limited Linux OS skills in our business, and we have 
> > approached this with a fresh RH 7.9 install and then applying the RPM of 
> > our software.  There is a big mismatch between Scientific Linux 6.3 to 
> > Redhat 7.9 in terms of libraries, file structure and type of libraries 
> > between the software and we have not been able to reconcile those.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > I would appreciate any suggestion or advice on the best upgrade path to 
> > achieve this update  and would be happy to take recommendations on 
> > individuals or companies who might be interested in a professional service 
> > engagement to help solve the problem.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Thanks in advance

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