
Although my problem might be different, it may be relevant. I've not used 5.5 (still hanging on 5.2). I've run into problems like this as well with printing in a similar fashion. I've found that the community adopted the use of texttopaps, which is horribly bugging, borderline CRAP. Try editing /etc/cups/mime.convs and changing the text/plain filter back to texttops (remove the 'pa' from the existing entry). My experience wasn't a non-printing, but a printing of something entirely different from what I expected (font, pitch, etc).

Another workaround may be to use enscript to generate a postscript or pdf and then send it to the printer.

enscript -q -B -MLetter -fLetterGothicLineMonospace7/11 --margins=45::10: -o - filename.txt | ps2pdf - filename.pdf

Or a texttops filter:
/usr/lib/cups/filter/texttops pdf-gen postgres "filename" 1 "cpi=16 lpi=6 page-top=18 page-left=46" filename | ps2pdf - filename.pdf

Hope that helps.


Larry Linder wrote:
A script that has worked for 12 years no longer works.
It worked fine with SL5.4 Redhat 6 7.1 7.3 from 10 yeas ago, works with susi 9.2. etc.
This is almost as old as unix itself.
"lpr" does not recognize the -o cpi=10. In fact it doesn't recognize -o cpi=12 or any other font size. This script takes the complete parts (thousands of parts) list and inventory and allows users to input a partnumber, or range of pn's and print labels from anywhere in parts list, awks the parts list and prints the labels at selected locations on a page of sticky labels. Completely formated to label page.
Removed the -o cpi=10 from script and it runs fine except the font size is the default of 12. The output data was redirected to file "junk" If you "cat junk | lpr -o "other options" -P ep900c" it will print.
Add -o cpi=10 and it halts no error message - nothing.
Page is in CUPS as a sent file but no printing.
The hardware, printserver, printer is unchanged but with the upgrade to SL 5.5 we can no longer print at a defined "cpi".
To test we tried several printers on the network and all have the same result.
They work fine with out the "-o cpi=10".
The job shows it was processed by cups but never is deleted from jobs list.

It like the font list was some how disconnected, lpr never times out after hours of letting it run.

It has got be something that was changed or upgraded and defaults set or ???

Larry Linder

Mr. Mark V. Stodola
Digital Systems Engineer

National Electrostatics Corp.
P.O. Box 620310
Middleton, WI 53562-0310 USA
Phone: (608) 831-7600
Fax: (608) 831-9591

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