I hate to say this but Linux has been around a long time and refuses to grow 
up.   The kids at Fedora scare me to death, due to lack to testing and 
maturity.   How does some thing that has worked for a long long time suddenly 

We build a lot of code for embedded processors and have versions stacked on 
versions in some cases - the test suite grows to match added features.   I 
think that the tinkerers don't fully understand what they are working on but 
are set on getting course credit for something they botched.

As an after hours sometimes professors teaching robotics, the class lasts 4 
years, one semester a year.  It a small University teaching Engineers and 
Nurses to young men and ladies.
I have been accused of being too hard on students and expect too much.   If 
you expect less you get less.
Most of the students (even the ones who complained) I have taught send me a 
note years later and said that they had been successful because of having to 
understand the fine detail of what they are doing.   I just taught them to 
think and work hard.  
The first night I introduce my self and pass out the class notes, tests and 
answers.   This makes all the students equal.  Some one invariable asks if I 
grade on a curve and I ask if that is some kind of base ball term.   Then for 
the real surprise - the grading system is simple - its binary,  a 1 or 0.   I 
told them what they need to learn and gave them the tests and all they need 
to do is listen and study to fill in the blacks.
I'm not easy but if one has a problem getting the right answer I spend time 
one on one to make sure they understand.  Everyone thinks differently and 
some solutions are neat, amusing, convoluted but correct.
I have never had to give out a "zero" yet.  Some have repeated the class 
because we have fun designing and building new stuff.  Some of the hardware 
they build is pretty crude, some almost a work of art but it always works.

I will down grade Cups.
Thanks for the help.


On Wednesday 11 August 2010 12:13, Pablo Cavero wrote:
> Dear Larry,
> Welcome to the Real World. This is a simple "Bug" and you need make an
> downgrade of the lpr command, or may be wait for a patch.
> 15 years ago, I was Use XFS from the SGI, in a Red Hat 6.2, and then go up
> to the 7.2 "Enigma" Red Hat Version, nothing compare to the old school.
> Now, the SL 5.5 include like "an experimental", the XFS... check about
> this... http://oss.sgi.com/projects/xfs/
> Best Regards,
> Pablo Cavero
> System Engineer.
> 568-920 9509
> 2010/8/11 Larry Linder <larry.lin...@micro-controls.com>
> > A script that has worked for 12 years no longer works.
> > It worked fine with SL5.4   Redhat 6 7.1 7.3 from 10 yeas ago, works with
> > susi
> > 9.2.  etc.
> > This is almost as old as unix itself.
> > LPD & LPR
> > "lpr" does not recognize the -o cpi=10.   In fact it doesn't recognize -o
> > cpi=12 or any other font size.
> > This script takes the complete parts (thousands of parts) list and
> > inventory
> > and allows users to input a partnumber, or range of pn's and print 
> > labels from anywhere in parts list, awks the parts list and prints the
> > labels at selected locations on a page of sticky labels.  Completely
> > formated to label
> > page.
> > Tests:
> > Removed the -o cpi=10 from script and it runs fine except the font size
> > is the
> > default of 12.
> > The output data was redirected to file "junk"
> > If you "cat junk | lpr -o "other options" -P ep900c" it will print.
> > Add -o cpi=10 and it halts no error message - nothing.
> > Page is in CUPS as a sent file but no printing.
> > The hardware, printserver, printer is unchanged but with the upgrade to
> > SL 5.5
> > we can no longer print at a defined "cpi".
> > To test we tried several printers on the network and all have the same
> > result.
> > They work fine with out the "-o cpi=10".
> > The job shows it was processed by cups but never is deleted from jobs
> > list.
> >
> > It like the font list was some how disconnected, lpr never times out
> > after hours of letting it run.
> >
> > It has got be something that was changed or upgraded and defaults set or
> > ???
> >
> > Larry Linder

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