On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 11:08, Larry Linder
<larry.lin...@micro-controls.com> wrote:
> I hate to say this but Linux has been around a long time and refuses to grow
> up.   The kids at Fedora scare me to death, due to lack to testing and
> maturity.   How does some thing that has worked for a long long time suddenly
> quit.

Having been around for a while, I would say that the testing inside of
Fedora is actually more than what went into most Red Hat Linux (4.1 ->
7) that I worked on. The problem is that the market you are working in
 is NOT the market Fedora is built for. So what kind of testing you
would do is not what Fedora is looking to do.

Certified embedded hardware is a completely different beast. You are
going to have test suites on top of test suites and you are going to
expect software sides to stay the same because you have too much time
handling all the changes in the last batch of chips you got. And while
you are looking for an OS that is free in cost (because that last
batch of chips cost 6cents per versus the original 5 cents you
expected) you are going to want something that stays the same forever
and a day. The people who are driving Fedora are on the complete
opposite end of the Technology adoption curve from you so of course it
looks completely scary.

[This does not excuse Cups dropping known behaviour in the middle of a
release... I could pass the buck to Apple, but that never works.]

Stephen J Smoogen.
“The core skill of innovators is error recovery, not failure avoidance.”
Randy Nelson, President of Pixar University.
"We have a strategic plan. It's called doing things.""
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