Hi, Todd

KVM unders SL5/6 works quite nice for windows guests, including
terminal session into them.
Virt-manager console is noticeably slow, and has at least one annoying
bug (when win7 guest prompts you to chose whether your network is home
or work or internet, virt-manager freezes ad needs to be killed). But
rdp session runs just fine.

Bridge networking - not sure what do you mean. When you install kvm
and ibvirt, a virtual bridge is created for you as a default network.
It provides guests dhcp address in a private network withing the host
and NATed access to internet. This all works with no additional config
on your side. If you need your guests to be on the same network(s) as
your host system, then you need to create an appropriate bridge
yourself, outside of KVM and libvirt, but then libvirt will happily
use it. Works like a charm with VLANs as well.

So, if you project is kind of virtual desktop infrastructure, then I'd
really suggest you look at kvm...


> I have heard that VB's interface is better.  I have also heard that Red Hat
> is cleaning up theirs.   I will see.  VB use to use the same "bridge"
> networking.
> I do believe I kept a copy of it around somewhere.  It would be nice if
> KVM handled bridge networking automatically the way VB does.

> I will suffer a difficult interface for fewer bugs in operation.
> -T

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