On 04/14/2011 04:41 PM, jdow wrote:
On 2011/04/13 13:08, Todd And Margo Chester wrote:
On 04/13/2011 12:38 PM, Phil Schaffner wrote:

Can't say it is perfect, but "riddled with bugs" seems a bit exaggerated.
My overall experiences with VB have been very positive.


Not "exaggerated". Years of pain and experience.

Wait until you get your job threatened over it. Fortunately, as a
consultant, they are not my only customer. If loose them, I will
have to hustle and find someone else. Still sucks though, especially
when you have worked for them for over ten years and you
have become friends with many of them.


A collection of some of my "recent" bug reports.


And the one I almost got and still may get fired over:

Is there any reason you are stubbornly playing with 3.0.12 and
not upgrading to the latest build? It seems to correct all of
the problems I had with the earlier builds. The machines translate
in directly and "just work."

{^_^}  Joanne Dow.

Hi Joanne,

"just work".  Oh boy.

4.0.2 is slower than h--- on my XP guest at my office.  I had rip 4.0.2
out and reinstall 3.2.12.  There are also benchmarks out there showing
4 to be slower than 3.

Also, I do check the change logs for fixes to my bugs.  4.x
did not fix a single issue of mine.  You are blessed that Oracle fixes
your.  I wish they would fix mine.

I also ask on my bug reports and they do/did not answer me.
Don't remember if I have asked lately.

It is also my experience with VB bugs that when a new revision hits
and they thinks they have fixed something, that they ask me to
test it.  They had not asked me on any of these bugs.

And to be completely honest, after calling all over Oracle trying
to find a support contract, I have lost confidence in Oracle.

The last on this issue is that they (Oracle) do not have a "pricing schedule"
for VB support yet and do not know when they will.  Oh yes, and they will
"reach out" to me.  Eeeewwww!  I did finally ask a sales rep to
stop using that term, as it gave me the creeps, and he did respect
it, somewhat.

My VM's out there are production level machines.  To answer your
question as to why I am holding out, I am holding out with 3.2.12
for the same reason are running Enterprise Linux and not Fedora
Core.  I can not have any (more) screw ups.

Hope that explains it,

p.s. on the other hand, I have a great deal of confidence in Red Hat
and if feasible, I am going to move all my VM's over to KVM.  Poking
around on their developers mailing list shows a tremendous amount
of development.  No foot dragging or dumb looks there.

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