You need to disable the nvidia graphic "co-processor" first; and then use the intel integrated graphics. (Because your bios gives no method to disable it there)

# yum groupinstall "Development Tools"
# yum install git
$ cd /tmp
$ git clone
$ cd acpi_call
$ make
$ sudo insmod acpi_call.ko
$ lspci -vnnn | grep VGA
$ ./
$ lspci -vnnn | grep VGA
$ startx    (make sure you have no old xorg.conf being used)

Did the nvidia card get turned off? If so, install the acpi_call module. Write a script that loads the module, disables the nvidia card, and starts X, gdm or whatever.

Hope this helps. No, I didn't test it; I don't have the hardware. I did build and load the module and ran the script on my machine and nothing blew up.

Good luck


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