Hi William Shu!

 On 2011.09.21 at 03:48:40 -0700, William Shu wrote next:

> A) using synclient and syndaemon (partial success).
> syndaemon works all the time, but synclient only works *sometimes*. However, 
> I'm not sure what I did, as my activities (below) don't seem 
> repeatable/reproducible. My guess is they are being controlled/overidden from 
> two or more independent sources.
> First, I reversed the order of lines in *.fdi file, though I'm not convinced 
> that matters, to:
>        <merge key="input.x11_driver" type="string">synaptics</merge>
>        <merge key="input.x11_options.SHMConfig" type="string">true</merge>

Did you try "on", btw? I believe "true" might be deprecated.

Unfortunately, I can't assist you on gnome interfering issues.. these
are hard to debug and deal with. Can give another idea, though - there
is alternative way to turning touchpad off while typing with syndaemon -
it's to make it ignore palm touch, the synclient setting for that is
described here
(sadly, most of this article contents is for Xorg 8 w/udev, so it won't
work with SL6 which uses Xorg 7.4 w/hal)

> B) gnome desktop manipulation (unsuccessful).
> The script for gnome could not work. complained of not finding 
> "/desktop/gnome/...". find could not trace it (rooted elsewhere) and so I 
> abandon the approach.

There won't be such file - it's gconf key (you can browse around with
gconf-editor after installing corresponding package, for example).
But if there is no such key, probably touchpad manipulation from isn't
supported on SL6.. (this key exists on Fedora system, for example).

> Once more, thanks for the assistance.

No problem, I'm glad at least some solution worked :)



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