Hi All,

SL 6.5, 64 bit.

I had to manually configure a Tread Net TEW-638PAP as a wireless
bridge yesterday.  In the process, I had to change my default
router (a.k.a. gateway) three times.  (Networking too, but
that worked.) The TEW-638PAP was hooked to my second
Ethernet port (eth1).

Problem, I had to reboot to get the new default route to

Now I know of two places I can put my default router:

   /etc/sysconfig/network     <--- where I put it
   GATEWAY=   and


I am using /etc/sysconfig/network and the "vi" method.

To check my default router setting, I used "netstat -rn"
and looked for the tags "UG".  (It is at the bottom of
the list.)

To try to get the new default router setting to take,
I used:

    service network restart; netstat -rn
    ifdown eth1; ifup eth1; netstat -rn

No joy with either method.  Whatever gateway I had when
I booted, was the one I was stuck with.  Reboot
was the only way to make the change.  I even tried
manually configuring it with "route".  No joy there
either.  :'(

What did I do wrong?

Many thanks,

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