On Wed, Dec 4, 2013 at 2:41 PM, ToddAndMargo <toddandma...@zoho.com> wrote:
Hi All,

SL 6.5, 64 bit.

I had to manually configure a Tread Net TEW-638PAP as a wireless
bridge yesterday.  In the process, I had to change my default
router (a.k.a. gateway) three times.  (Networking too, but
that worked.) The TEW-638PAP was hooked to my second
Ethernet port (eth1).

Problem, I had to reboot to get the new default route to

Now I know of two places I can put my default router:

    /etc/sysconfig/network     <--- where I put it
    GATEWAY=   and


I am using /etc/sysconfig/network and the "vi" method.

To check my default router setting, I used "netstat -rn"
and looked for the tags "UG".  (It is at the bottom of
the list.)

To try to get the new default router setting to take,
I used:

     service network restart; netstat -rn
     ifdown eth1; ifup eth1; netstat -rn

No joy with either method.  Whatever gateway I had when
I booted, was the one I was stuck with.  Reboot
was the only way to make the change.  I even tried
manually configuring it with "route".  No joy there
either.  :'(

What did I do wrong?

Many thanks,

On 12/04/2013 12:20 PM, Paul Robert Marino wrote:
ip route delete default via xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx dev eth0
ip route add default via yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy dev eth0

replace xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx with your current router and yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy
with the new one

there is also an "ip route replace " syntax as well if you need it
see "man ip" for more details ;-)

Hi Paul,

Worked beautifully.  Thank you!
Any idea why restarting the network service did not catch
my change to /etc/sysconfig/network?

And, should I be setting my router in /etc/sysconfig/network
or /etc/sysconfig/network/scripts/ifcfg-eth1?


Fun command line:

$ ip route | grep -i default | awk '{print $3}'

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