On 12/10/2013 07:07 PM, Konstantin Olchanski wrote:
On Tue, Dec 10, 2013 at 02:43:14PM -0500, Jeff Siddall wrote:
On 12/09/2013 11:20 PM, ToddAndMargo wrote:
then you absolutely want to be running
them against a snapshot rather than a live FS and LVM makes this easy.

Never really cared for LVM.  Always used the direct partition approach.

Well, perhaps I can try to convince you some more.

Take another example of upgrading to a bigger disk.

You mean "upgrade all the disks in the raid array". Surely you do not run
any important machines with single disks?

Sure, but it will work either way. I run workstations without RAID and servers with RAID and the advantages of having an abstraction layer between the FS and the hardware -- or the FS and another redundancy layer like MD -- are comparable.


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