On Thu, Jun 12, 2014 at 6:28 PM, Yasha Karant <ykar...@csusb.edu> wrote: > I have the following, possibly silly, question to post. As I understand it, > access to the git repositories meets TUV linux/GPL requirements for release > of the source. Nonetheless, the realities are that it is easier to build > from the actual SRPMs that TUV uses. These are not to be released by TUV.
This is where you're following a flawed path, I'm afraid. From experience with Fedora, and personal experience building RPM's from source, if you generate "tags" in git, it's as trivial to build from the git tags as it is from SRPM's. If the tags are signed, you have similar checksums in the total source bundle as you would with an SRPM, and you can have similar confidence in the provenance of the source code you're working from. git repositories *can* be as easy to use as SRPM's, *if* they are tagged, and *if* there is a way to obtain an index of the relevant tags of a particular point release. So the risk isn't in using git: it's in the lack, so far, of relevant tags to distinguish RHEL source code from whatever CentOS may choose to modify, and the potential for unknown changes between the RHEL internal git repositories and whatever CentOS may choose to integrate and publish. > Presumably, CentOS, as what amounts to an owned subsidiary of Red Hat, uses > SRPMs and the like to build CentOS internally -- or has a very extensive > tool set for the git repositories. My guess is that both TUV and CentOS Similar to what RHEL uses and Fedora uses, Take a look at the "mock" software and the relevant koji tools to see how a small set of RPM's, built on an older OS, can be bootstrapped into a full set of RPM's for a production environment. It's like building gcc: First you have to build or cross-compile a toolkit capable of building your component building toolchain in the environment you want, then build the new toolkit with the new toolkit to make sure things are consistent: then you test it thoroughly, if you're wise, and only *then* do you use it to build other components. > construct SRPMs from the git repositories to build the respective > distributions. Hence, there most likely are (must be) tools/utilities that > create from the git repositories a compatible coherent set of SRPMs. Can > the SL groups either get those tools from CentOS or can these tools be > recreated? For a system as complex as EL, any modern version of a build > environment uses automation -- tools. The core CentOS deverlopers have, in my personal experience, never been willing to discuss or expose the details of their internal build environment. I'm afraid I tried to find out details a few times, such as whether they use 'mach' or 'mock', and did not get very far. I've not tried to dig into Scientific Linux's build environment. That's actually a good question, though a separate one. Are the details of the the Scinetific Linux build system publicly available? I've not personally gone digging.