Thanks for this. My son has a problem with lactose and we've been  
giving him soy milk.


On Jul 11, 2007, at 12:54 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> As someone conscious of her health, I spent 13 years cultivating a  
> vegetarian diet. I took time to plan and balance meals that  
> included products such as soymilk, soy yogurt, tofu, and Chick'n  
> patties. I pored over labels looking for words I couldn't  
> pronounce. Occasionally an ingredient or two would pop up among my  
> fake sausages. Soy protein isolate? Great! They've isolated the  
> protein from the soybean to make it more concentrated in my veggie  
> dogs. Hydrolyzed soy protein? I never successfully rationalized  
> that one, but I wasn't too worried. After all, in 1999, the FDA  
> approved labeling found on nearly every soy product I purchased:  
> "Diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol that include 25 grams  
> of soy protein a day may reduce the risk of heart disease." Soy  
> ingredients are not only safe -- they're beneficial.
> After several years of consuming various forms of soy nearly every  
> day, something wasn't right. I felt reasonably fit, but somewhere  
> along the line I'd stopped menstruating. I couldn't figure out why  
> my stomach became so upset after eating edamame or why I was often  
> moody and bloated. It didn't occur to me at the time to blame soy,  
> heart-protector and miracle food.
> When I began studying holistic health and nutrition, I kept running  
> across risks associated with eating soy. Endocrine disruption?  
> Check. Digestive problems? Check. I researched soy's deleterious  
> effects on thyroid, fertility, hormones, sex drive, digestion, and  
> even its potential to contribute to certain cancers. For every  
> study that proved there was a connection between soy and reduced  
> disease risk, others cropped up to challenge these claims. What was  
> going on?
> "Studies showing the dark side of soy date back 100 years," says  
> Kaayla Daniel, PhD, clinical nutritionist and author of The Whole  
> Soy Story: The Dark Side of America's Favorite Health Food.Ê "The  
> 1999 FDA-approved health claim pleased big business, despite  
> massive evidence showing risks associated with soy, and against the  
> protests of the FDA's own top scientists. Soy is a global four- 
> billion-dollar industry that's taken these health claims to the  
> bank." Besides heart health, the industry says that soy consumption  
> can alleviate symptoms associated with menopause, reduce the risk  
> of certain cancers, and lower levels of LDL, the "bad" cholesterol.
> Epidemiological studies have shown that Asians, particularly in  
> Japan and China, have a much lower incidence of breast and prostate  
> cancer than in the US, and many of these studies trace the results  
> back to a traditional diet that includes soy. Daniel says a common  
> misconception is that Asians are consuming more soy than they  
> actually are; soy accounts for only about 15 percent of their total  
> calories, or nine grams per day. Asian diets include small amounts  
> of primarily fermented soy products, such as miso, natto, and  
> tempeh, and some tofu. By contrast, in the US, processed soy food  
> snacks or shakes can contain over 20 grams of soy protein in one  
> serving.
> "There is important information on the cancer protective values of  
> soy," says Ed Bauman, PhD, clinical nutritionist, head of the  
> Bauman Clinic in Sebastopol and director of Bauman College of  
> Holistic Nutrition, who cautions against painting the bean with a  
> broad brush. "As with any food, it can have benefits in one system  
> and detriments in another. If there is an individual sensitivity,  
> one may have an adverse response to soy. And not all soy is alike,"  
> he adds, referring to processing methods and quality.
> Soy is indigenous to Eastern Asia, where it was once considered  
> toxic and used only as a cover crop. It was eventually fermented  
> for better digestibility; it had long been known that soy caused  
> extreme digestive distress if consumed raw or undercooked.  
> Fermenting soy deactivates these harmful constituents and creates  
> health-promoting probiotics, the good bacteria our bodies need to  
> maintain digestive and overall wellness. Daniels mentions that  
> Asian populations may have had success with soy because they are  
> consuming primarily the fermented forms.
> As soy moved west, it became a new addition to the diets of  
> Europeans and Americans. "Soy is not a native food to North America  
> or Europe, and I think you have issues when you move food from one  
> part of the world to another," Bauman says. "We fare better when we  
> eat according to our ethnicity. I think soy is a viable food, but  
> we need to look at how it's used and maybe consider using other  
> food stock that's more indigenous."

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