You guys have *got* to see this Highlander debacle just to laugh/cry at how bad 
it is! The bad guy--some crap about a "Guardian" who protects the secrect of 
the Source--looks like Thomas Hayden Church in his Spidey-3 pumped up bod, with 
white makeup applied. He moves at superspeed thanks to his connection to that 
Source.What that means is the fights scenes--one of the best aspects of the 
series--look like crap! Literally looks like music video work, with starts and 
stops, an infinite number of camera angle changes. Ugghh!

The "story":  There's this incredibly ridiculous junk about the Source of all 
Immortals being on Earth (or at least accessible from a physical point on 
Earth).  There's some stuff about another Grand Alignment with all the planets 
in the Solar System pointing the way to the Source. or something. Honestly, I 
can't remember the point. I think during certain times the Source can be 
accessed physically, and the Grand Alignment points the way. I think. At any 
rate, in the first five minutes, one of the Immortals says that the stars in 
the  entire *galaxy* are lining up along a line to Earth! Aside from the utter 
impossibility of that--and the curious lack of news coverage--how the hell 
would you know? It'd take like 30,000 years to reach us from the center of the 
Milky Way, so that alignment would have *already* happened! But the scientific 
screw up is least of the problems here. The plot makes no sense, McLeod 
basically just drifts, brooding, through the film, with none of Adrian Paul'
s strengths in evidence. Methos--my favorite character after McLeod--is truer 
to his amoral self, but he's not used all that much. There are caricatures in 
the form of a younger acting Immortal and a religious fanatic priest Immortal, 
but they're useless. And Amanda's missing. No Amanda?? I could have at least 
used Elizabeth Gracen's lighthearted touch to lighten up this doleful stinker.

I can't go on! Just say it's stupid, illogical, depressing. All the Highlander 
magic is gone, the ending is confusing. Something about Duncan being the "one", 
but not the last Immortal, and having a baby! I can't figure out where they're 
going with this; does accessing the Source always create a new race of 

Martin, maybe you can explain the plot, 'cause I got lost. But anyway, folks, 
it's so bad it'll make you laugh.

-------------- Original message -------------- 
From: Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
To paraphrase the Biblical quote, "I wept."

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: you beat me to it!! :) It is really, really bad. The 
only "Highlander" movie that was good was the first one with Conner McLeod. The 
others all sucked and this is no exception. One thing I loved about the series 
was the fight scenes, which were usually pretty good. This one has a non-stop 
camera that makes me dizzy and doesn't show any good fight details. And I'm not 
just talking about when that idiot Guardian uses his super-speed. The movie's 
using all the horrible FX used in modern music videos.
The plot's beyond stupid, the acting's stilted, and they killed Joe Dawson. 
(Don't worry about this "spoiler" folks, the movie's too crappy for you to 

I am trully appalled at how bad this is. It's as bad as I feared, unfortunately.

-------------- Original message -------------- 
From: "maidmarian_thepoet" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
O-M-G! I stepped into this a few minutes late and already it is
horrendous. They've transported Highlander into a video game and a
bad game at that.

--- In, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I'm pretty sure you can find this movie--or versions of it, like the
Russian one I mentioned--on the Net. And it'll probably show up on DVD
> -------------- Original message -------------- 
> From: Astromancer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> DAMMIT!!! I hate Comcast!
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I saw a trailer from this flick several
months ago, I think from a Russian release. Believe I dropped the link
to the group, in fact. The creators say that any version other than
the one being aired this Saturday is not officially approved, however.
Not sure how I feel about this. I don't usually like when beings of
mysticism like the immortals discover the source of their powers: it
tends to ruin the mystery. But more, the Highlander movies have all
sucked (all but the first), especially when compared to the TV series.
I'm a little nervous about the quality of this upcoming trilogy.
> But of course I'll be there Saturday night....
> ************************
> About Highlander on SciFi Channel: 
> Official Highlander site:
> Celebrating 20 years of The Legend, Davis-Panzer Productions,
Sequence Films and Grosvenor Park are proud to announce the upcoming
2007 release of HIGHLANDER: The Source. Brett Leonard is the director
with Adrian Paul playing the immortal Scottish swordsman, Duncan
MacLeod. This new adventure, starring Adrian Paul is the first feature
in the Trilogy. The Source tells the story of Immortals as they quest
to locate the Holy Grail of their world. The entire series of films
will chronicle the origins of the Immortals.
> Director Brett Leonard commented "This is a tremendous opportunity
for a storyteller of this genre to take part in the mythology of 20
years." He continues that "HIGHLANDER is an amazing ongoing story that
I can bring my visual style to... Everything I have done has led me to
this kind of mythical fantasy."
> Brett Leonard pioneered the creation of digital visual effects in
filmmaking with 1992's Lawnmower Man, he also directed 1995's
Virtuosity, and most recently completed Marvel's Man-Thing. He is
heralded as a maverick in science fiction, fantasy and adventure by
creating films with a strong visual presence.
> Peter Davis of Davis-Panzer Productions noted, "We are truly
celebrating this milestone in HIGHLANDER history by pairing Brett and
Adrian in our newest Trilogy. We anticipate that this combination will
recapture the filming glory of the original HIGHLANDER."
> Davis-Panzer Productions is busy further immortalizing the Clan
MacLeod during the series' twentieth year with an anime feature film
in partnership with Imagi and Madhouse of Japan and a video game with
SCI Games Ltd. of London. There is no limit when your story is
timeless and Immortal! 
> HIGHLANDER: The Source will be distributed in North America through
Lions Gate Films and in 40 foreign territories through the top
independent distributors.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> "Let's just saying you know more than you think, but we're not going
to help you figure it out." - The Side Street Chonicles by C.W. Badie
> ---------------------------------
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hottest shows on Yahoo! TV. 
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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